Brain Inspired Robotics

Fangwen Yu

Researcher of Brain Inspired Robotics


June 10, 2023 – May 31,2024,  Satellite Navigation Special Issue on Future Navigation Call for Papers. Guest Editors: Jingnan Liu, Xiaolin Meng, Jian Wang, Fangwen Yu.

Sep 25 – 28, 2023. Special Session on Brain-inspired Positioning and Navigationthe thirteenth edition of the International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2023), Nuremberg Germany. Organizers: Prof. Fuqiang Gu and  Dr. Fangwen Yu

Sep 9, 2022, Our project is funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. NeuroNav: Brain Inspired 3D Navigation with Neuromorphic Computing Chips. 2023.01-2025.12.

Oct 6, 2022, Frontiers in Neurorobotics calls for papers about research topic on Brain-inspired Navigation and Sensing for Robots. Topic Editors: Fuqiang Gu, Xuke Hu, Jianga Shang, Zhi Xiong; Topic Coordinators: Fangwen Yu

March 18-19, 2022, Fangwen Yu and Prof. Fuqiang Gu organized the Brain-inspired Navigation Workshop (PDF)at UPINLBS2022 (Program PDF). The experts of invited talks include Prof. Michael Milford (QUT) (keynote presentation), Prof. Bailu Si (Beijing Normal University), A. Prof Lei Deng (Tsinghua University), Dr. Zhenshan Bing (Technical University of Munich), Guangzhi Tang (Rutgers University), Chuang Yang (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics & National University of Singapore), etc.

2019.10.20, Our project received the Innovation Grand Prize (¥300,000) at the final contest of the 2019 INTERNATIONAL COLLEGIATE COMPETITION FOR BRAIN-INSPIRED COMPUTING (ICCBC 2019). For further info, please visit

2019.09.13, Our new paper titled ‘NeuroSLAM: A Brain inspired SLAM System for 3D Environments’ has been accepted for publication in Biological Cybernetics. (Website, Video)

2016.11.3, 与墨尔本大学古富强博士合作的论文“Sensory Landmarks for Indoor Localization”获得UPINLBS2016国际会议唯一一篇Best Paper Award. 并在大会上做了Oral.

2016.10.02, 湖北电视台报道:    (新闻360专题报道,视频第45分钟至48分钟)

2016.09.02, 湖北电视台报道:帮女郎专题报道,视频第29分钟至34分钟)